August 5 | Northwest Africa: Cabo Verde, Canary Islands (Spain), Madiera (Portugal), Morocco and Ceuta (Spain); Charlie & Diane Jacobson Aug 5, 2010WWFTCUncategorized2010, Cabo Verde, Meeting, Portugal, Spain
July 15 | Turkey (Istanbul) and Black Sea; Frank Kraft Jul 15, 2010WWFTCUncategorized2010, Black Sea, Meeting, Turkey
July 1 | Adventure in the High Arctic: The Circumnavigation of Spitzbergen (Norway); George & Sally Sonnichsen Jul 1, 2010WWFTCUncategorized2010, Meeting, Norway, Sonnichsen
June 3 | India: New Delhi to Pushkar, Jaipur and Agra, by car; Robert & Marilyn Paluszak Jun 3, 2010WWFTCUncategorized2010, India, Meeting, Paluszak
May 20 | Vietnam to Cambodia: Saigon to Chau Doc by car and water taxi on the Mekong to Phnom Penh; Robert & Marilyn Paluszak May 20, 2010WWFTCUncategorized2010, Cambodia, Meeting, Paluszak, Vietnam
May 6 | Grand Tour of Europe: A Taste of England, (Holland) Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France; Barb Krasiecko & Ed Hibner May 6, 2010WWFTCUncategorized2010, Austria, England, France, Germany, Meeting, Netherlands, Switzerland
April 15 | Thailand and Cambodia; Angkor Wat and The History of the Khmer Empire; Bev & Larry Wehrheim Apr 15, 2010WWFTCUncategorized2010, Cambodia, Meeting, Thailand, Wehrheim
April 1 | Iceland, Greenland (Denmark), Newfoundland (Canada): Following the Path of the Vikings; Diane & Charlie Jacobson Apr 1, 2010WWFTCUncategorized2010, Canada, Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, Meeting
March 4 | Bicycling Around the World; Jacky & Ward Budweg Mar 4, 2010WWFTCUncategorized2010, Bicycling, Budweg, Meeting