December 15 | Peru and Ecuador (Quito and The Galapagos); Larry Martin Dec 2, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Ecuador, Galapagos, Martin, Meeting, Peru
December 1 | Bhutan and India; Aline & David Sullivan Nov 18, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Bhutan, India, Meeting, Sullivan
October 6 | Sri Lanka; by George Sonnichsen Sep 16, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Meeting, Sonnichsen, Sri Lanka
September 15 | South China Sea Cruise, Part II (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia); by Ed Hibner & Barb Krasiecko Sep 2, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Hibner, Indonesia, Krasiecko, Malaysia, Meeting, Thailand
September 1 | The City of Nairobi and a 3-day safari at a nearby conservancy; by Dianne Zalewski Aug 19, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Kenya, Meeting, Zalewski
August 4 | Germany, Poland and Ukraine; by Charlie & Diane Jacobson (River cruise in Ukraine with pre-visits to the Berlin Zoo and Salt Mines near Krakow) Jul 22, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Germany, Jacobson, Meeting, Poland, Ukraine