August 4 | Germany, Poland and Ukraine; by Charlie & Diane Jacobson (River cruise in Ukraine with pre-visits to the Berlin Zoo and Salt Mines near Krakow) Jul 22, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Germany, Jacobson, Meeting, Poland, Ukraine
July 21 | Paris Unvisited; by Ken Burkhalter Jul 18, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Burkhalter, France, Meeting
June 16 | Ancient Sites Around the World; by John Higbee Jun 3, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Higbee, Meeting
June 2 | Cruise from U.K. to the Canary Islands and Madeira; by Ed Hibner & Barb Krasiecko May 20, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Canary Islands, Hibner, Krasiecko, Madeira, Meeting, Portugal, Spain
May 19 | Bali (Indonesia): An insider’s view; by Manny & Ying Brand May 6, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, Bali, Brand, Indonesia, Meeting
May 5 | Jewels of the British Isles; by Larry Martin Apr 22, 2022WWFTCMeeting2022, British Isles, Martin, Meeting