• March 6 | Budapest, Hungary; by Chris Parratore and Barb Blatchford
  • March 20 | The Lowlands and Germany; by Suzanne & Scott Duncan
  • April 3 | Antarctic and Chilean Fjords (Buenos Aires to Santiago); by Ed Hibner & Barb Krasiecko
  • April 17 | No meeting (special event)
  • May 1 | Switzerland/Northern Italy, Part 2 (Lakes, Alps and Dolomites); by George Sonnichsen
  • May 15 | No meeting (building maintenance)
  • June 5 | TBD; by John & Judi Higbee
  • June 19 Highlights of a World Cruise; by Larry & Bev Wehrheim

July 3 | TBD

July 17 | TBD

August 7 | TBD

August 21 | TBD

September 4 | TBD

September 18 | Unknown Paris: Hidden in Plain Sight, Part 2; by Michael Mocella